Artist Essay

Logan Seyfried
2 min readOct 15, 2020


Artist: Micol hebron + Joseph Delappe

Media: Videos, performances, installations, photography + Digital media artist

Website: +

Instagram: +

Our first artist Micol Hebron is an interdisciplinary artist who has studied at the University of San Diego, The University of California Los Angeles, and Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, in Venice, Italy. Hebron shows a strong interest in the feminist movement and is actively speaking up to raise awareness. Joseph Delappe, our next artist is a digital media artist who explores contemporary issues in politics using media installations or lives action game performances.

Scrolling through Micol Hebron’s Instagram feed you can’t help but notice her strong support for the Feminist movement and the current surge of voting activism. Micol isn’t letting the current situation of Covid-19 and social distancing stop her activism. She holds “feminism Friday ” zoom calls weekly to get her word out. Her use of multiple formats such as social media, performance, video, and social gatherings allows her optimal range to spread her message. Micol has no boundaries when it comes to photographing the female body wish to show a sense of empowerment and confidence that adds greatly to the feminist movement and her beliefs. Next, I looked onto Joseph Delappe’s website and was captivated by his massive sculptures made out of cardboard, 3-d printed plastic, and other materials. The sculptures range from 17 foot Mghandi statues to human-sized pair of hands their ridged lines and geometric sides pull your eye throughout the whole piece.

I saw that Micol’s burning bush photography was one of the most powerful images I saw. It is a poster with a separate scroll coming out of the poster which had listed on it, the percentage of women in the Whitney Biennials. The Whitney Biennials is the longest-running survey for American art. The scroll was a list of the percentage of women who were in the survey throughout most of its history. She is trying to draw attention to the unequal representation of women in the most prestigious art survey and the whole art community by using a bare picture of a woman to catch people’s eye. The most moving piece I found by Joseph de Lappe was His “kill box” piece which was a downloadable app that explored the use of drones in warfare and its possible downsides. It shows how technology has made the ability to kill someone so remote and external that it feels almost unnatural if it could ever be nature.

Both of these artists have shown works that resonate with my life and others that fly over my head. As I looked into them deeper I was able to pick up a few bit of information and see the artists’ beliefs expressed in a new interesting ways I hadn’t before.

